Go Buddy go . . .Over recent months the Paisley 2021 team called on me to say stuff at some events, where I was privileged to meet and perform for some...
"Send In The Clowns . . ."So Starlight Theatre decided to take a break from musicals and put on a Burns' week comedy night. A raconteuse, a Standup & several...
Blustering, drunken blellum blethers, among his drouthy Kirky neibours.A fine night among fine company. Was made to feel very welcome by the guid fowk of the Kirkintilloch SNP, at their annual Burns Supper....
Bryan Burnett will introduce me as After Dinner Speaker at a formal awards ceremony? Better buy a tiIt was an interesting brief. Balancing humour and serious, tribute and lampoon. Had to celebrate folk's work and achievements, while...
Paisley Town Hall Recording with Paisley CreateI joined with musicians Callum Ingram and Johnny Barr to record a song for CREATE Paisley's new video project. Kind of blagged a spot on...
Deep Inn to the New YearFirst Poetry At Inn Deep event of 2018, hosted as always by the happy whirlwind that is Sam Small. A bit different this one, as it was...
Hellfire, hostel, Homage to Catalonia. Lampoonery, Lemmy and The Library.Not usually a busy month for live poeming, but plenty of diverse stuff this month, quite apart from the Paisley 2021 result night, and a...
SUSE Annual Conference & AwardsInvited by Scottish Union for Supported Employment to write and perform something for the morning opening of their day in Edinburgh's...
No birthday blues at St LouisGot this new thing for my birthday! Well, I didn't GET it, but I got TO it. A NEW poetry night, at St Louis, Glasgow. And it probably...